"Armageddon" or "The Federline Re-population Plan."
Dear Ms. Spears-Federline,
In high school, I liked this guy named *&^%. He was spontaneous, was the life of the party and always had fun, no matter what he was doing. I was hooked. He wanted to be in a band and at the time, I thought he might have the talent and drive to accomplish that goal. Flash forward 10 years later and he still hasn't gotten a real job, is 5 years into a 1 1/2 year degree and drinks till he can't see on a regular basis.
The point of this story? &^%$ was cool and fun in high school, but he never matured past that. He's the guy you want to get trashed with, not the guy you get married to. Well Britney, you married that dude and look where it got you. Pregnant and barefoot (c'mon Brit, no shoes in a gas station restroom? You know better than that. You probably have the HEP now.)He smokes weed all day, spends the money you made while working hard singing and carrying around a big yellow snake. Is that fair?
No, it simply isn't.
I'll never admit it to my friends, but I have like, 3 of your CDs. They are so filled with girl power and the whole "Fuck Men" mentality that was so profitable post-Spice Girls. I almost believed that you were going to be the one pop star to do it on your own and be damn proud of it.
Then Hurricane Kevin struck.
I wish I could say I understood what you saw in him, but I can't. He looks like a Snoop Dogg video reject and seems to have the intelligence of a lobotomized toddler. His song, Papazao, well, no one likes it. They come to see your husband because he really is a source of entertainment. Not because he is talented, but because he is a cage short of being the zoo's newest attraction. You need to leave him before he gets you pregnant AGAIN and the world is exposed to more of the punishment that is the continuation of his genes.
I do care about you Britney, and I am thisclose to calling A&E to get you on that "Intervention" show.
SeanPrestonspeed, or whatever it is you say when your baby is your religion.
Sarah Skilling